Claycomo Animal Hospital
5608 N Eugene Field RoadKansas City, MO 64119(816)452-2621
Claycomo Animal Hospital
Driving Directions & Contact Information
CALL US during normal business hours to discuss your pets specific needs with a team member! This allows us prioritize appointments and schedule appropriately.
Established clients are able to contact us and schedule a time to drop off their pet at our hospital for same day services at no additional charge for the pet being with us all day.
For established clients will do our very best to see your pet for a medical concern the same day as contacted.
For driving directions to Claycomo Animal Hospital from the communities of North Kansas City, Liberty, Gladstone, Claycomo, and greater Kansas City, MO please click on our convenient Google Map below!
5608 N Eugene Field Road
Kansas City, MO 64119
(816) 452-2621
Fax: (816) 452-3877
Drop-Off is available as early as 7am-8am!
(1st appointments begin at 8am)